UKSPF Accelerator Programme Outcome Definitions

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East Midlands Chamber (Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicester)

A primary objective of East Midlands Chamber is to support our regions businesses in growth, scale and innovation through all of our UKSPF Accelerator Programmes.

We achieve this through the initiatives businesses access, which could be support provided by our Advisers or attendance at action planning workshops.

Businesses can access this support through the district level Accelerator projects, UK Business Growth, East Midlands Made Smarter and D2N2 Growth Hub. It’s important to recognise this impact with our stakeholders, provide insight where possible and support the dispersion services across the East Midlands.

We would appreciate it if you could take five minutes to complete the survey and confirm if any of the outcomes have been achieved by accessing one or more of the services mentioned above.

Outcomes achieved as a result of Accelerator support and definition:

Number of Jobs Created  - FTE




The number of new, permanent, paid, full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs created following support. This includes both part-time and full-time jobs, which should be recorded relative to full-time equivalent (FTE). FTE should be based on the standard full-time hours of the employer.

  • New means it should not have existed with that employer before the intervention.

Permanent means it should have an intended life expectancy of at least 12 months from the point at which it is created.


Number of Job/s Safeguarded - FTE





A safeguarded job is a permanent and paid job that was at risk prior to support being provided, and which the support helped the business to retain.

This includes sole traders and business owners. This also includes both part-time and full-time jobs, which should be recorded relative to full-time equivalent (FTE).

  • FTE should be based on the standard full-time hours of the employer
  • At risk is defined as being forecast to be lost within 6 months



Adopt new to the firm technologies or processes


A technology or process is new to the firm if it did not use a technology or process with the same functionality before, or the production technology or process is fundamentally different from those already used. This may be tangible or intangible.


New enterprise created



A new enterprise is one which has been registered at Companies House or HMRC as a result of the support provided.

  • Enterprise means a sole trader, micro business, small and medium-sized enterprise, or large business. It also includes social enterprises where these engage in economic activity.


Adopt new or improved products or services





The number of enterprises introducing a new product or service. A product or service is new if the enterprise has not previously made this product or service available to the market before.

  • Support must be for an enterprise to introduce one of the following:
    • Product - when it is either at pre-launch or launched to the market
    • Service - when it has been introduced to the market


Introduce a new product to market







A product is new to the market if there is no other product available on a market that offers the same functionality, or the design or technology that the new product uses is fundamentally different from the design or technology of already existing products. Products can be tangible or intangible (incl. services and processes).

Support must be for a business to introduce one of the following:

  • Product - when it is either at pre-launch or launched to the market
  • Process - when it has been introduced into the business
  • Service - when it has been introduced to the market


Engage in new markets







Number of enterprises engaged in new markets following support.

Engaged means they have launched a product or service into a new domestic or overseas market or have undertaken research or attended conferences or events to prepare a launch into a new market.

  • New market refers to a new product market (i.e. creation of a product/service that does not compete or replace previous products produced by the business) or geographic market (i.e. operating in a new area which could be, for example, a new region or country)


Engaged in new knowledge transfer activity



This focuses on collaborations which are about transferring good ideas, research results and skills between the knowledge base and businesses to enable innovative new products and services to be developed and includes but is not exclusively limited to:
  • Research collaborations and free dissemination of research.
  • Joint and long-term development of new business or services.
  • Formation of joint ventures and spin-out companies.


Improved productivity



Number of enterprises with improved productivity.

Productivity refers to the gross value added per hour worked or gross value added per worker.


Increase export capability





The number of enterprises engaged in new or enhanced export-readiness activity, including but not limited to production of an export strategy for the firm, undertaking research into overseas markets or actively preparing a product or service for export.

New means activity that was not undertaken prior to the UKSPF support. Enhanced means additional activity to deepen or widen activity already underway.


Increased amount of investment





The increase in amount of tangible investment made by the private sector within a specified area over the reporting period.

  • Tangible means something physical, for example, buildings, machinery, fixtures and fittings, etc. It excludes financial investments such as stocks or bonds.
  • Investments should only be included in the measurement once there is a contractual commitment. Investments that have only been announced should not be included.


Number of R&D active enterprises


R&D stands for Research and Development, it is a narrower definition than innovation active and should be used for enterprises actively working to develop new products or services, either internally or externally through research and development activities.


Decarb Plan


An organisation as a result of support, produces a decarbonisation plan or enhances an existing decarbonisation plan.




If you would like to know more about the support available from D2N2 Growth Hub, please complete the form below.

Fill in this form to ask the D2N2 Growth Hub for help

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We collect personal data for the purposes of responding to your request made via the web site. To help provide the service to you we may need to pass your details to delivery partners. We may wish to contact you to monitor the quality of our service.

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Business Adviser
Image of Sonny Lakhani