Nottinghamshire Covid-19 Community Fund


The Nottinghamshire Covid-19 Community Fund has been re-opened to support local charities and community organisations that are delivering essential services to vulnerable Nottinghamshire residents impacted by Covid-19.

Nottinghamshire charities and voluntary groups can apply for a grant of between £200 to £10,000 to deliver projects or services that meet the Nottinghamshire Covid-19 Community Fund criteria.

Priority will be given to:

  • Projects that directly help vulnerable people affected by the effects of Covid-19, such as by providing access to food, toiletries, necessities, as well as projects to help vulnerable people in isolation.
  • Projects that are already set up and are incurring extra costs as a result of helping vulnerable people.
  • Priority will be given to eligible projects that help and support vulnerable Nottinghamshire people impacted by Covid-19 and that fall into
  • Applications are welcome to help cover the additional running (revenue) costs as a result of responding to Covid-19 (e.g. the extra costs of recruiting, training and supporting volunteers to deliver essential services, increased costs such as telephone calls, rent, gas and electricity or other costs relating to a new site where people can more easily access community support and services).
  • Help towards the cost of some additional items may also be considered, such as equipment for existing eligible groups that are adapting their service to provide essential support as a result of Covid-19. 

Deadline for applications 31st March 2021
Nottinghamshire Covid-19 Community Fund

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