

How Can the Growth Hub Help you Keep Your Workforce in Secure Employment

At this difficult time of economic uncertainty, the Growth Hub is here to help you keep your workforce in secure employment.


Invest to Grow Funding: Fostering University and Business Collaboration

As businesses start the process of recovery and opening after the Covid-19 disruptions, Mark Wheddon, Head of Delivery for Invest to Grow at the University of Derby, reflects on what support the programme has been able to offer them during this period.


Has Covid-19 provided the impetus to take your store online?

One of our Social Media experts, Paul Ince, has provided us with some insight into the changes in consumer behaviours with online purchases during lockdown, and a look at the new Facebook feature; Facebook Shops.


Support for Blind Employees

​​​​​​​Finding and retaining employment can already be challenging, and it’s even tougher if you are registered blind or you are partially sighted. But there are a range of resources available to assist anybody that is visually impaired in the workplace.


Striving for Equality in the Business World

The Growth Hub’s Marketing and Events Manager, Kayleigh Newby, talks about what the D2N2 Growth Hub is doing to achieve equality in a business context.


Protecting Yourself Against Identity Theft and Fraud

Protect yourself against Identity Theft and Fraud with this guide from Paul Brewer. Focussing on protecting your identity online.


5 Steps for Managing Change

Stress is a word that gets used a lot, but what is it? Change often requires a response or an adjustment to your lifestyle, and stress is a bodily reaction to this. Change causes emotional, physical and mental responses.


Optimising Isolation for Future Business Growth

When we were younger it was our daily objective to learn something new. We would be at school, learning so many broad and wonderful things, yet as we hit adulthood we focus on our trade, becoming experts in our field but narrowing our other skills.


5 Easy Tips for Working from Home

We all hope that working from home is a temporary measure, but make sure you have a comfortable and organised working space with a structured routine. This will mean the transition to home working is easier, & you can make working from home your new norm.


Writing Content to Rank on Google in the Age of Machine Learning

Machine learning has transformed the way search engines analyse and understand the text on web pages, from the early days of basic word counting to algorithms that teach themselves how to better understand what we’re searching for.


Understanding How to Market a B2B Website and Benefits of using Paid Social Advertising

Paid social advertising expert Ann Stanley has provided some insight into buyer behaviour when it comes to purchasing and how paid advertising could secure sales.


Responding to Changing Demographics in your Audience

Social media expert Paul Ince provides an insight into the changing demographics and persona of your customer, including the habits of decision makers and ways to communicate with these new audiences.


Free Expert Business Advice and Support

Your business is unique but the challenges that you face aren’t, with our support, we can help get you through them.

Our impartial business support is delivered by experienced, expert business advisers, giving you the right advice at the right time for your business.

Contact us today and access a wealth of support, events, business growth programmes and expert advice.

Lisa Baggott
Business Advisor
Image of Lisa Baggott
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