Business Directory

This Directory is listed alphabetically by business name and can also be searched by entering a keyword in the search box, for example by type of service (solicitor, accountant) or by location e.g. town name.

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459 design

49a Drury Lane,
Coal Aston,
S18 3AP
Telephone: 01246923445
What we do:
  • Low Cost Responsive Webdesign

AA Accountancy

177 Chesterfield Road South,
NG19 7AR
Telephone: 01623 422 394
What we do:
  • General accountancy practice


Unit 3,
Hazel Court,
Midland Way,
S43 4FD
Telephone: 01143030249
What we do:
  • Working with clients as a technology partner

  • Help support and advise on all aspects of IT and to utilise technology to save time and money

  • Provides a full range of IT solutions covering IT Consultancy, Support, Managed Services & more.

Abbey House Mortgages

The Abbey House,
17 Palmer Avenue,
NG15 7AN
Telephone: 07900 571 814
What we do:
  • Includes advice on Buy-to-Let Mortgages, Commercial Mortgages, Business Protection Policies, Share & Partnership Protection, Key Person Protection, Executive Income Protection & more

Ace IT

Monarch House,
Chrysalis Way,
NG16 3RY
Telephone: 01773719748
What we do:
  • Providing IT support, networking, security and consultancy to organisations across the East Midlands

Achieve Business Coaching

29 Bingham Road,
Telephone: 07860 683100
What we do:
  • Offering a range of coaching, advisory and training services including; executive, growth, logistics and performance coaching

Action COACH

Broadlands Manor,
Peckleton Lane,
Leicester Forest West,
Telephone: 01284 701648
What we do:
  • Helping owners figure out what their goals are, and create a road map to reach them

Actons Solicitors

4-8 Regent Street,
Telephone: 0115 910 0200
What we do:
  • We have a team of down-to-earth lawyers, who know that at the heart of providing you with exceptional service is listening and understanding what you want to achieve

  • Working in partnership with you to achieve your goals and resolve your legal issues

Adcock Financial

The Coach House,
Hexgreave Hall,
NG22 8LS
Telephone: 01623 572 060
What we do:
  • Financial advisers, tax and accountancy

Aegis Business Services

First Floor,
515a Mansfield Road,
Telephone: 0115 824 4050
What we do:
  • Providing a range of flexible virtual office services for new start-ups, micro and solo entrepreneurs that require home privacy

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Your business is unique but the challenges that you face aren’t, with our support, we can help get you through them.

Our impartial business support is delivered by experienced, expert business advisers, giving you the right advice at the right time for your business.

Contact us today and access a wealth of support, events, business growth programmes and expert advice.

Cat Walls
Business Adviser
Image of Cat Walls
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